Black & Veatch: The Many Benefits of Public-Private Partnerships - Truth from the Tap™

TFTT Report

Black & Veatch: The Many Benefits of Public-Private Partnerships

A piece by Black & Veatch’s Gordon Heft
highlights twelve benefits of water and wastewater public-private partnerships, including:

  1. Asset management implementation
  2. Capital improvement efficiencies
  3. Ability to retain ownership of the assets
  4. Retention of workforce
  5. Customizable PPP models
  6. Relief of financial stresses on cities
  7. Upfront capital
  8. Economic growth
  9. New revenue opportunities
  10. Ability to handle aging workforce
  11. Investment in new technology
  12. Savings on precious natural resources

More than 2,000 water and wastewater facilities across the country are operated under public-private partnership arrangements. These partnerships can lower operating costs by 24 percent on average, have high satisfaction rates reflected by a 97 percent renewal rate, and can be customized to meet the unique needs of a community.

Black Veatch

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