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NAWC: Miami’s water facts

In Florida’s Miami Herald, National Association of Water Companies Executive Director Michael Deane responds to an opinion piece by Donald Cohen of In the Public Interest. Donald Cohen’s Dec. 2 opinion piece, Think twice about privatizing drinking water,misrepresents the public-private partnership Miami-Dade County is considering. Under the proposed projects, the public utility would retain ownership […]

Visalia Residents Strongly Object to City Takeover of Water System by Eminent Domain

Since 1927, California Water Service Co. has provided residents of Visalia, Calif., with safe, reliable and high-quality water. Nevertheless, the City of Visalia recently requested an appraisal of the water system in what is believed to be the first step in an attempt at takeover by eminent domain. In an editorial in the Visalia Times-Delta, […]

BLUE GOLD: World Water Wars (2008) – A Fact Check

Blue Gold covers several important water issues, from pollution and water scarcity to privatization, conservation and bottled water. While the focus of the film spans several loosely related questions, an overly simplistic refrain shines through: the private water industry is to blame for the world’s water issues. Unfortunately for Blue Gold, the facts paint a […]

Food & Water Watch Campaign Director Gets Facts Wrong In Interview

In a recent radio interview, Food & Water Watch campaign director Mary Grant continued to get basic facts wrong about the private water industry in the United States. As we’ve pointed out before, critics routinely use false and deceptive claims to actively mislead the public on private water. Here are five key points to keep […]

The California Water Association Responds to the Los Angeles Times

Jack Hawks, Executive Director of the California Water Association, responded to a recent Los Angeles Times article, pushing back against the myths perpetuated in the article about the private water industry in regards to water utility ownership, water rates, drought management, and government takeovers of private water systems. Read more: The drought in California has meant aggravation […]

CWA Explains How Infrastructure is Vital to Saving Water

In a recent op-ed in the Sacramento Business Journal, California Water Association Executive Director Jack Hawks discussed America’s water infrastructure needs. “Our country needs to make critical investments to repair and improve the massive infrastructure that makes water delivery possible and improve long-term reliability,” said Hawks. “As you turn on the tap, hop in the […]

Associated Press Highlights America’s Aging Water Infrastructure

“The costs to rebuild will be staggering. The costs of inaction are already piling up.” (Ryan Foley, “Drinking water systems imperiled by failing infrastructure,” Associated Press, 9/26/15) A recent Associated Press article highlights an issue communities throughout the country are facing: aging water infrastructure. In the article, Will Williams, a water infrastructure expert, notes that […]

NAWC: P3s deliver solutions to municipal water challenges

In an opinion piece in American City & County, NAWC’s Executive Director Michael Deane discussed the current water challenges municipalities in America are experiencing. As a solution to these challenges, Michael suggests public-private partnerships as a way to share expertise, assets, risks and resources for the improvement and maintenance of water systems. On July 30, […]

Food & Water Watch By the Numbers

Food & Water Watch positions itself as a group of water infrastructure and policy experts. The reality is that its misguided anti-privatization advocacy is severely flawed and only denies communities a viable option for providing citizens with safe, clean and reliable water. It’s time to set the record straight.