Golden State Water Proactively Invests in its Water Infrastructure - Truth from the Tap™

TFTT Report

Golden State Water Proactively Invests in its Water Infrastructure

The latest video from Golden State Water Company highlights the utility’s proactive infrastructure improvement strategy.

While some utilities replace their pipes every 200 years or more, Golden State Water’s (GSW) replacement schedule is closer to every 100 years. At any given time, the company’s capital projects division has 30 to 40 projects in progress to replace outdated pipes. On a national scale, the six largest private water companies, including Golden State Water’s parent company American States Water, invested nearly $2.7 billion to repair or replace their infrastructure in 2017 alone.

In addition, the video explains why low rates should not be considered a badge of honor for water utilities. As Denise Kruger, Golden State Water’s Senior Vice President of Regulated Utilities, points out,

“If a water provider or municipality is not maintaining their infrastructure on a regular basis, customers will certainly pay the cost for that later on.”

Golden State Water’s Vice President of Water Operations Paul Rowley notes, as water professionals, the company

“understand[s] the ramifications of what doing less looks like. And so we choose to be on top of that issue and those challenges to make sure that our customers have a high level of service.”

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