Investing in Our Aging Infrastructure - Truth from the Tap™

TFTT Report

Investing in Our Aging Infrastructure

On Monday, Vice President Biden officially kicked off the third annual Infrastructure Week, emphasizing the importance of investing in infrastructure to create water and transportation systems for the 21st century. Having a week specifically dedicated to issues related to our nation’s infrastructure is a way to call attention to the challenges created by aging infrastructure and to encourage policy-makers to take action.

A new U.S. Department of Treasury white paper examines the ways state and local governments can partner with investors in public-private partnerships to expand sources of investment and to use public resources efficiently. The findings suggest that investments in infrastructure will create more employment opportunities for Americans, which in turn, spurs economic growth.

In the water and wastewater industry, more than 2,000 facilities in the country are operated under public-private partnerships, providing safe and reliable water systems for local communities. These partnerships are a critical part of the plan to update and support our water infrastructure. Truth from the Tap™ encourages you to stay updated on this week’s events by following @Truthfromthetap, using the hashtag #RebuildRenew, and visiting

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