NAWC: Miami's water facts

TFTT Report

NAWC: Miami’s water facts

In Florida’s Miami Herald, National Association of Water Companies Executive Director Michael Deane responds to an opinion piece by Donald Cohen of In the Public Interest.

Donald Cohen’s Dec. 2 opinion piece, Think twice about privatizing drinking water,misrepresents the public-private partnership Miami-Dade County is considering.

Under the proposed projects, the public utility would retain ownership of the water system, while a private water company would be responsible for the development and operation of some specific treatment facilities.

The water remains a public good.

I applaud county officials for considering all options to determine the best sustainable solution for Miami-Dade’s water-infrastructure needs.

A public-private partnership offers significant benefits, transferring risk to the private sector, providing greater assurance of regulatory compliance and infusing private capital for infrastructure investment.

Read the rest here.

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