New Infrastructure Reliability Infographic Available in Toolkit - Truth from the Tap™
TFTT Report
New Infrastructure Reliability Infographic Available in Toolkit
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May 29, 2024
The Truth from the Tap™ toolkit includes two new resources.
The first is an infrastructure reliability infographic that shows how investment from regulated, private water companies is helping address the nation’s infrastructure challenges under the tagline “Private Investment for the Public Good.” The 15 largest water companies in the United States collectively invested more than $5 billion in community water systems in 2022 to help stop leaks, improve system reliability, protect against disruptions, and keep water safe. The infographic highlights that these are dollars coming from the private sector and not out of municipal budgets
The second resource is a backgrounder that rebuts claims made by activists that Pennsylvania’s Act 12 (the Commonwealth’s utility valuation reform law) is costing customers of private water companies $85 million a year in higher rates. The backgrounder details how this argument ignores the fact that pre-acquisition municipal rates usually do not cover the full cost of service and also that this claim does not account for the urgent need for infrastructure investment regardless of the system’s ownership.