TFTT Report
New Pennsylvania Resources Available in Truth from the Tap™ Toolkit
There are several exciting new Pennsylvania-focused resources in the Truth from the Tap™ toolkit that help tell the positive story of the Commonwealth’s regulated, private water companies, as well as push back against false claims made by activists opposed to the industry.
Another backgrounder details the many ways a Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association representative got it wrong in recent testimony before the state’s Senate Democratic Policy Committee, leaving out importance context around Safe Drinking Water Act compliance and infrastructure investment.
Finally, a new fact sheet, appropriately titled “Activists’ Pants are on Fire About Pennsylvania’s Water Companies,” provides a side-by-side of activist claims about water companies and what the reality actually is based on data, diving into company operations, rates, and Pennsylvania’s Act 12.
Be sure to check out all these resources available in Truth from the Tap™’s Pennsylvania microsite.