TFTT Report
New Veolia Report Details P3 Solutions for Sustainable Infrastructure
Last week, in conjunction with the Wharton School’s Initiative for Global Environmental Leadership (IGEL), Veolia North America issued a special report about how public-private partnerships provide sustainable solutions for our nation’s infrastructure, including expertise and investment to address environmental challenges.
The report includes three case studies, including one on the public-private partnership between Veolia and the Honolulu Board of Water Supply to build and operate a state-of-the-art wastewater reclamation facility. The partnership has not only saved Honolulu taxpayers tens of millions but has also served as a model for other communities across the country looking for ways to address water scarcity.
“With the number and size of P3s increasing each year and major infrastructure legislation anticipated on Capitol Hill, now is the time to focus on growth potential and expansion of such successful partnerships,” said John Gibson, executive vice president and chief operating officer of municipal and commercial businesses at Veolia North America.
“We are pleased to have partnered with Veolia North America, which has several operations underway demonstrating how valuable the P3 model can be for cities’ long-term investment in solutions that reflect the realities of today’s climate concerns,” said Joanne Spigonardo, senior associate director of business development at Wharton’s IGEL program.
There are more than 2,000 water public-private partnerships across the country. Veolia and other private water companies work with municipalities to offer long-term, sustainable solutions for water system operations and management. This latest report provides further evidence of how successful partnerships benefit from private investment and expertise.