Powelson Calls Activists Out for Spreading Misinformation in Pennsylvania - Truth from the Tap™

TFTT Report

Powelson Calls Activists Out for Spreading Misinformation in Pennsylvania

NAWC president and CEO Rob Powelson’s latest editorial titled “America is facing serious and growing water infrastructure challenges. Pennsylvania is no different.” ran this month on PennLive.com. Powelson takes activists to task for spreading misinformation about Pennsylvania’s private water companies, as well as about the effectiveness of the state’s Fair Market Value policies.

Powelson concludes that “Elected officials in Harrisburg and in our communities should not be misguided by those who are only interested in blocking proven water company solutions instead of fostering a productive discussion about what is best for Pennsylvania residents. The expertise, strategic investment and singular focus on water system operations that comes from working with a water company ensures that customers have safe drinking water and reliable service.”

After you finish reading the piece, be sure to check out the new Truth from the Tap™ microsite dedicated to the great work NAWC member companies are doing in Pennsylvania.

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