Powelson Water Equity Op-Ed in The Hill Shows Why Water Rates Don’t Tell the Whole Story - Truth from the Tap™

TFTT Report

Powelson Water Equity Op-Ed in The Hill Shows Why Water Rates Don’t Tell the Whole Story

An op-ed by NAWC president and CEO Rob Powelson ran this week in The Hill, a widely read DC publication.

In the piece, Powelson highlighted NAWC’s principles for reaching true water equity and debunked claims by some that water rates alone should be the only benchmark for affordability. Powelson called the focus solely on water rates “shortsighted” and noted that “access to water that isn’t safe to drink is unjust at any price.”

Powelson concludes that we should hold our water providers accountable for “meeting water quality standards, offering customer assistance options, addressing fundamental flaws in our water grid, and investing in infrastructure.”

Read the full piece here.

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