TFTT Report
How Private Water Companies Can Help Increase Property Values
While the connection between investment in water infrastructure and increased property values is not often detailed, key third parties, including the Urban Land Institute and PricewaterhouseCoopers[1] and the U.S. EPA[2], find a significant correlation between the two. By examining the relationship between the number of Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) violations and property values, researchers […]
Private Finance Crucial To Water Infrastructure Investments
With his latest commentary, In the Public Interest executive director Donald Cohen captures the activist solution to the water infrastructure crisis perfectly through the three illustrations he celebrates: taxes, taxes, and more taxes. Seattle instituted an income tax for transit funding. Los Angeles instituted a sales tax to pay for highway improvements. And Indianapolis – […]
Lessons Learned from Missoula
This week, some anti-private water activists are celebrating what they view to be a victory, as the city of Missoula, Montana takes ownership of the water system. As these groups pat each other on the back for taking over a private water system, what they won’t be talking about is the very high price Missoula […]
NAWC Executive Director Michael Deane Pens LTE to The Monterey County Herald
In a letter to the editor in The Monterey County Herald in Monterey, CA, NAWC Executive Director Michael Deane called out an anti-private water activist group that continues to use the condemnation in Montana, Missoula, as a way to mislead the public on the true costs of taking over a water system. This week, a […]
New Infographic Debunks Practice of Rate Comparisons
The latest infographic in the Truth from the Tap™ toolkit breaks down why rate comparisons – a common practice of anti-private water activists – are bogus. Using as examples Claremont, Calif, a system owned by Golden State Water, and La Verne, Calif., which is under government control, the infographic shows how just looking at monthly […]
New Tools Shine Spotlight on Anti-Private Water Activists’ Deception
Truth from the Tap™ has created two new items as part of the Truth from the Tap™ Toolkit. The first sets the record straight on private water in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, while the other is an updated examination of Felton, California and the broken promises after the government took over the local water system by condemnation. […]
Infrastructure Week Challenge: Let’s work together to find solutions
By: Michael Deane Executive Director, National Association of Water Companies In case you missed it, this week is Infrastructure Week. Each year, those interested in infrastructure issues – from water and roads to ports and airports – use this week as an opportunity to talk about how much infrastructure investment is needed and what must […]
PublicSource Leaves Out Important, Well-Documented Facts From Pittsburgh Article
PublicSource recently published an article on lead levels in Pittsburgh water that ignores important, well-documented facts. Lead is an extremely important public health issue and we wholeheartedly agree that Pittsburgh residents should be alarmed and demanding of answers from their public officials. However, making false statements about the cause of the lead issues and falsely […]
What Activists Don’t Tell You: The True Cost of Condemnation
Activists often make condemnation, a government takeover of a private water system, sound easy and straightforward with predictable costs. But, of course, the reality is much different. One way in which condemnation activists mislead the public is on the true cost of taking over the water system. Recent reports show there is a vast difference […]
Setting the record straight on Lucerne, Calif.
KQED News, a California public media outlet, recently reported on the community of Lucerne in northern California, and the community’s water supplier, California Water Service (Cal Water). Unfortunately, instead of providing a fair reporting of the facts, the piece became an opportunity to push an anti-private ideological agenda. For example, the outlet reported that one […]