TFTT Report - Page 15 of 23 - Truth from the Tap™

TFTT Report

It’s Always ‘Just a Study’

Proponents of local government using their power of eminent domain to take over local water systems from utility companies always seem to want to mask their true intentions behind benign rhetoric. They say they’re, “just doing a study about how the community can reduce water rates.” After all, who could object to learning if there […]

Private Water Companies Give Back

As we start a new year, many of us take time to reflect on the year that has just passed. At TFTT, we’d like to highlight the many ways private water companies across the country gave back to their communities this past year. These companies recognize the importance of not only delivering safe and reliable […]

NAWC Executive Director Michael Deane Featured in American City & County

NAWC Executive Director Michael Deane recently wrote a piece for American City & County that highlighted the great work private water companies do each year to serve their communities, including in the face of an emergency situation. Private water companies must also plan for worst case scenarios, which often come in the form of natural […]

The Truth About “The Letter”

The folks at Corporate Accountability International (CAI) are trying to raise money based on unsubstantiated claims of a vast private water conspiracy. In a fundraising solicitation yesterday, CAI referred to a letter sent by the private water industry to President-Elect Trump, “welcoming him with open arms.” But, of course, the group didn’t provide its fundraising […]

Atlanta Rate Crisis Proves FWW Narrative is Faulty

In laying out its anti-private water agenda, Food & Water Watch (FWW) used to feature Atlanta as a key case study. In fact, it seemed the group couldn’t talk water without mentioning Atlanta, utilizing the city as an example in five of its major reports and in various blog posts and handouts.[i] Now the Atlanta […]

Recent News Coverage Focuses on Looming Water Infrastructure Challenges

Two recent articles focused on the enormous amount of investment needed to address the nation’s crumbling water infrastructure. In the first piece, The Harvard Political Review examined the country’s water infrastructure and found major gaps in the much-needed funding of repairs and updates to water systems. In a Huffington Post op-ed, Connecticut Rep. Rosa DeLauro […]

By the Numbers: U.S. Private Water and Water Infrastructure

As private water professionals across the U.S. continue to make critical investments to close our country’s water infrastructure funding gap, we like to ensure that we are providing the most accurate and up-to-date information available to the public and the communities served by private water companies. As a result, Truth from the Tap™ has compiled […]

Environmental Groups Applaud SUEZ NA-Nassau Partnership

In a dramatic turnaround, an association of Long Island environmental groups has awarded a B+ grade to a sewage treatment plant it graded as failing just three years ago. What changed? In 2015, private water company SUEZ NA took over operations, updated infrastructure, installed new technologies and established channels for direct public stakeholder input. When […]

Truth from the Tap™ Responds to ITPI’s Claims About Privatization

The last time we heard from In the Public Interest (ITPI), we had to correct multiple false and misleading claims the activist group made in a Miami Herald op-ed. This time, the group is back with a so-called report on privatization, and, unfortunately, the false and misleading claims continue. “How Privatization Increases Inequality” attempts to […]