Truth from the Tap™ Launches California-Focused Campaign Toolkit - Truth from the Tap™

TFTT Report

Truth from the Tap™ Launches California-Focused Campaign Toolkit

Activists have increasingly pushed misinformation in California about the stringent, independent regulatory oversight process for water companies, helping to bolster talk of hostile government takeovers of privately-owned, professionally-operated water systems in the state.

As a result, Truth from the Tap™ has launched a new toolkit – – to provide stakeholders with valuable, fact-based information about the regulatory oversight process, answer frequently asked questions, refute activists’ claims, and highlight the 150+ year success record of California’s water companies.

The valuable resources included in the toolkit are:

One in seven Californians are served by water companies, which collectively invested more than $645 million in community water and wastewater systems in 2017 alone. From investing in new treatment facilities and miles of new water pipe to addressing the state’s unique water challenges with technological advances and conservation efforts, California’s regulated water utilities are leading the way to ensure customers have the quality water infrastructure and services they need for generations to come.

No matter what false narratives activists are trying to push, the evidence clearly shows that the regulatory process in California works and that Californians are well served by regulated water companies.

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