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America’s Water Infrastructure Crisis

Every year, an estimated 240,000 water mains break in the United States, resulting in a loss of 7 billion gallons of water each day. Many of our water mains and pipes are more than 100 years old – some dating back to the Civil War era – and are in serious need of replacement. In […]

NAWC: No “Showdown” Between Public and Private Water Utilities

In a guest column today for Water Online, NAWC Executive Director Michael Deane responded to the Aug. 17 article Public, Private Showdown: Which Water Utility Model Is Best? His response corrects the misconception that there is a “showdown” between public and private water utilities, and that rather individual communities should be able to explore all options for providing […]

Addressing FWW’s False Claims about WIFIA: 4 Ways WIFIA Encourages Water Investment

Food & Water Watch’s (FWW) Executive Director Wenonah Hauter recently criticized a proposed expansion to the existing Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA), a policy that allows for increased financing for water infrastructure projects. It’s not surprising that FWW, a DC-based lobbying group that vehemently objects to all infrastructure solutions that include the private […]

Al Jazeera Leaves Out Important, Well-Documented Facts From Coatesville Article

Al Jazeera America recently published an article on private water and wastewater operations in Coatesville, Pennsylvania, that ignores important, well-documented facts. Although it is not unusual for activist groups like Food & Water Watch or Corporate Accountability International to present biased, partial stories, it is truly unfortunate when journalists join in the effort. Here are […]

Financing Tools and Strategies to Help Communities Upgrade Water Infrastructure

J. Troy Johnston and Tray Hairston, attorneys with expertise in public finance and economic development, examine national and local solutions to address the nation’s water infrastructure challenges, including the Water Infrastructure Financing and Innovation Act (“WIFIA”) and the involvement of private water companies. Below are key takeaways Truth from the Tap wants you to read: […]

Investor-Owned Water Utilities Lead Conservation During California Drought

INVESTOR-OWNED WATER UTILITIES New monthly data from the California State Water Resources Control Board finds that twenty-nine investor-owned water utility districts were at or above the statewide water conservation rate of 28.9 percent in May 2015. CALIFORNIA WATER ASSOCIATION’S  STATEMENT “The data shows how much water IOUs are committed to helping their customers conserve and […]

Private Water is Distorted in a Letter to Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter

The Philadelphia City Paper recently published an article about a letter sent to Mayor Michael Nutter from activist groups including Food & Water Watch and Corporate Accountability International. The letter pressures city officials to avoid even just considering private water options to address the city’s water and wastewater needs. Truth from the Tap not only […]

The University of Pennsylvania: How Public-Private Partnerships Help America’s Water Systems

The University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business recently endorsed public-private partnerships as a solution to the challenges facing America’s aging water systems. Here are the top three takeaways Truth from the Tap wants you to know on P3s from the Knowledge@Wharton team: Continued investment is needed to meet local water needs. Wharton cites an […]

Pope Francis is Correct: Water is a Universal Human Right

In laying out his vision on climate change, Pope Francis said something we very much agree with: access to safe drinkable water is a basic and universal human right, since it is essential to human survival and, as such, is a condition for the exercise of other human rights. For this very reason communities across […]

California Water Infrastructure From NAWC’s Michael Deane

In an op-ed today in California’s Press-Enterprise, President Michael Deane from the National Association of Water Companies discusses the California water drought and the urgent need to update the state’s aging water infrastructure. He applauds those who support proposals to leverage private sector capital to meet these funding challenges, including the California Chamber of Commerce and […]