TFTT Report - Page 2 of 23 - Truth from the Tap

TFTT Report

New Valuation Reform Attack Piece Fails to Meet Journalistic Integrity Threshold

A piece recently ran in an online publication in which the writer and activists from groups like Food & Water Watch tried to demonize the efforts of elected officials around the country who have passed policies to help local communities address their water infrastructure challenges. Fifteen states have in place these commonsense valuation reform measures […]

Member resource available on new NIAC water infrastructure report

A new member resource is available that details the latest report from the President’s National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC), “Preparing United States Critical Infrastructure for Today’s Evolving Water Crises.” The resource, available for PDF download, highlights some of the NIAC’s recommendations, including increasing access to federal funds, offering a permanent water affordability program, creating a […]

Join us for a Members-only Truth from the Tap Webinar

New to TFTT? Need a refresher? Join us to learn all about Truth from the Tap (TFTT) and what resources and support are available to you as you educate communities, media and more about the benefits of working with a professional water company and push back on critics.   Wednesday, October 25, 2023 1:00 – […]

America’s Water Companies Support Recommendations in New Federal Report to Strengthen and Protect Water Infrastructure

A new report from the President’s National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC), “Preparing United States Critical Infrastructure for Today’s Evolving Water Crises,” offers a wide range of recommendations aimed at enhancing the security of our nation’s critical water infrastructure. America’s water companies have long advocated for many of the recommendations and applaud NIAC for recognizing the […]

NAWC’s Rob Powelson Takes Editorial Board to Task for Misleading Narrative on Utility Valuation Reform

The Philadelphia Inquirer published NAWC President and CEO Rob Powelson’s letter to the editor in response to its recent editorial that included many misleading statements about Pennsylvania’s Act 12, the Commonwealth’s utility valuation reform law. Powelson chided the Editorial Board for continuing its “uniformed vendetta against rate-regulated water utilities.” “With its recent opinion on the reversal of the […]

New Backgrounder Highlights Benefits of Pennsylvania’s Act 12

In 2016, the Pennsylvania legislature passed Act 12 with bipartisan support to reform the antiquated accounting rules that previously forced local governments to sell distressed water and sewer systems at rock bottom prices. Since Act 12 passed, communities across the Commonwealth have benefited, including McKeesport, Exeter, Limerick, East Norriton, Cheltenham, and New Garden. The experiences […]

New Federal Safety Data Shows Private Water Companies Have Safer Workplaces than Municipals

Truth from the Tap has an updated safety infographic that highlights the stellar safety record of America’s water companies – now with the latest data from 2021 included. An analysis of the most recently available federal safety data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that private sector water utility workers are less likely to be injured […]

Former Pennsylvania Utility Commissioner: Anti-private water activists “ignore 200+ years of operational expertise.”

In a new piece on Broad + Liberty, Norman Kennard, a former Pennsylvania Public Utility Commissioner (PUC), provides context that is sorely missing from the claims made by activists who oppose solutions offered by America’s water companies. Looking specifically at the Keystone State, Kennard examines how the state’s regulatory environment has allowed communities greater access […]

Mary’s Missives Miss the Mark

A recent piece in CQ Researcher did a deep dive into water privatization from a global perspective. A central part of the piece was a pro/con conversation that featured NAWC president and CEO Rob Powelson and Food & Water Watch activist Mary Grant. Mary’s “con” section left us scratching our heads and knowing we needed […]