TFTT Report - Page 9 of 23 - Truth from the Tap

TFTT Report

Former Illinois Commerce Commission Chair: Government Takeover of Water System Would Be a Bad Deal for Peoria

Last week, Philip O’Connor, the former chairman of the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC), penned an op-ed about why a government takeover of Peoria’s water system, owned and managed by Illinois American Water, would be a bad deal for residents. Specifically, he notes it would “remove the ICC’s professional and independent regulation of water service including […]

New Infographic Details Transparent Rate Setting for California’s Water Companies

The latest Truth from the Tap infographic, included in the newly launched California microsite, illustrates how water rates are set for California’s largest regulated water utilities. Rates are set by an independent agency – the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) – after a comprehensive, transparent process that protects communities by ensuring adequate investment in safe, […]

Truth from the Tap Launches California-Focused Campaign Toolkit

Activists have increasingly pushed misinformation in California about the stringent, independent regulatory oversight process for water companies, helping to bolster talk of hostile government takeovers of privately-owned, professionally-operated water systems in the state. As a result, Truth from the Tap has launched a new toolkit – – to provide stakeholders with valuable, fact-based information […]

Experience in Whittier Shows Food & Water Watch’s Narrative on Water Rates is Misleading

An article in the Whittier Daily News details a decision by Whittier, California’s government-run water utility to significantly raise water rates to fund water delivery costs and much needed system improvements. Food & Water Watch has long pushed a false narrative about water companies – that the water rates for water company customers are higher […]

Inframark’s Stephane Bouvier: NAWC Launches New Contract Operations Committee

Originally posted at Water is an essential resource that directly affects our quality of life. That’s why it is crucial that water systems are cared for and managed by professionals with the expertise and resources to keep water service safe and reliable. Contract operators provide unique benefits to a water or wastewater infrastructure owner […]

NAWC Responds to Food & Water Watch’s Push to Limit Water Options in Baltimore

In an op-ed for the Baltimore Sun, Rob Powelson, president and chief executive officer of the National Association of Water Companies, pushed back against the recent campaign to ban water system privatization in Baltimore. Powelson refuted Food and Water Watch’s false narratives about water rates and control under water companies, pointing out that water always […]

Buzzfeed Piece Shows Complete Lack of Understanding of Water Industry

A level of misunderstanding of the water industry rarely seen is on a full display in a recent BuzzFeed piece. The author bases her entire argument – that a city in Africa should be cautious about working with a professional water company – on the completely incorrect claim that a water company was at the […]

Activists Get Facts Wrong on Montara, California

As Public Water Now tries to tout Montara, California as a successful government takeover of a privately-owned water system, here are a few important facts to keep in mind: Underestimated acquisition costs. Takeover advocates in Montara underestimated the acquisition cost by over 100%, claiming the takeover would cost $5 million when in reality it cost […]

Writer Gets Four Key Things Wrong on Ojai

The recent article in the Santa Barbara Independent gets four key things wrong in its attempts to tout the government takeover of the water system in Ojai, California as a success story: 1) The author’s claims on cost savings are false and blatantly ignore the fact that Ojai residents have paid dramatically higher taxes as […]

Food & Water Watch proves lack of understanding about water service in the U.S., while choosing to ignore hard data that shows exceptional record of water companies.

Food & Water Watch, once again, gets so many things wrong in its latest blog post that attacks state public utility commissioners and their role in overseeing rate regulated water companies. Here are three of the many egregious examples of how the group simply does not understand the water industry, generally, and is even less […]