TFTT Report - Page 8 of 23 - Truth from the Tap™

TFTT Report

Powelson speaks at Bullhead City town hall about why voters should reject Prop 415

On Monday, NAWC president and CEO Rob Powelson spoke at an EPCOR townhall meeting in Bullhead City, Arizona. In November, the town’s residents will vote on Proposition 415, which, if passed, would authorize the city to use condemnation to take over the water system currently owned by EPCOR. To make the case for why the community should […]

There are Benefits to Having Water Systems Run by Private Companies, Trade Group Says

In a op-ed, Tom Churchelow, the senior director of Government and Public Affairs for the New Jersey Utilities Association, exposes the scare tactics used by Food & Water Watch to dissuade communities from considering solutions provided by water companies. He deconstructs the activist group’s claims about Newark and Trenton to show how the group […]

Baltimore Mayor Wonders Why Politicians Don’t Prioritize Water As Baltimore’s Infrastructure Falls Apart

Baltimore Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young recently asked the most ironic question: “Why don’t our elected officials seem to prioritize clean, safe water?”[i] The phenomenon of politicians ignoring water issues should not perplex Young. After all, just last month he was sharply criticized by the Baltimore Sun for “showing woefully insufficient concern” about the “deteriorating […]

Edison Residents: Beware of Food & Water Watch Scare Tactics

The township of Edison, New Jersey, has made water and sewer infrastructure a top priority with the town’s Mayor, Thomas Lankey, looking at all options to address Edison’s infrastructure challenges. Mayor Lankey has endorsed a comprehensive plan: a 40-year, $811.3 million public-private partnership with Edison Environmental Partners, a joint venture between SUEZ North America and […]

New TFTT Factsheet Highlights Water Companies’ Strong Compliance Record

In a new factsheet – Multiple Studies Confirm Superior Water Quality Record of Water Companies – Truth from the Tap™ highlights several studies that confirm the superior record of water companies in delivering the highest-quality water. The factsheet specifically details findings from a 2018 study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) […]

Water Companies Invest More Than $3 Billion in Community Water Systems in 2018

As pipes and pumps age and treatment facilities require upgrades, America’s water infrastructure faces an intense need for investment. Our nation’s drinking water infrastructure received a “D” grade on the American Society of Civil Engineers’ 2017 Infrastructure Report Card. Due to aging infrastructure, water utilities in the United States lose 16 percent of treated water […]

New TFTT Resource on Baltimore Details How Activists are Protecting the Failing Status Quo

In a new factsheet – Activists Rush to Protect Failing Status Quo in Baltimore – Truth from the Tap™ details the misguided activist campaign that has ultimately prevented Baltimore from receiving the many benefits that come from working with a water company. Instead of considering all options, Baltimore’s decisionmakers followed misinformed advice from activists ideologically […]

Activists Want Politicians with Zero Oversight to Control Your Drinking Water

Food & Water Watch (FWW) and other activists often talk about “local control” as the main benefit to having a government-run water system.  As the activist story goes, local elected officials are responsive to voters and therefore will provide great water services. However, the realities of “local control” under a government-run water system are much […]

Powelson: Misinformation campaign will prolong Pittsburgh’s water woes

On the heels of Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro filing 161 criminal charges against the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA), NAWC President and CEO Robert Powelson published an op-ed in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that addressed Pittsburgh’s long-time infrastructure crisis. Powelson details how “delayed infrastructure investment and utility mismanagement” and “choosing low water rates over […]

Powelson highlights exceptional record of water companies in Providence letter

In a letter to the Providence Journal, Robert Powelson, president and chief executive officer of the National Association of Water Companies, corrects inaccurate claims made about water companies and the solutions they could offer to help address the city’s water system needs. Powelson’s letter cites findings from a 2018 study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that […]