TFTT Report - Page 6 of 23 - Truth from the Tap

TFTT Report

New Video Highlights Why Communities Should Ignore Activist Misinformation

The latest Truth from the Tap video explains why communities should ignore the misinformation put out by the activist group Food & Water Watch when making decisions about the future of their water systems. The video specifically talks about how the group is focused on blocking proven solutions and does not employ anyone with actual experience […]

Water companies and their essential employees keep water flowing during health crisis

Activists use pandemic to push unsound policy proposals We are, without a doubt, living through a historic, unprecedented time that has brought enormous challenges and uncertainties to the doorstep of every American household – a record spike in unemployment, a paralyzed economy, and public health concerns that most have never seen in their lifetime. Americans […]

New Factsheet Highlights Council of Canadians “Blue Community” Deception

The latest Truth from the Tap factsheet breaks down what it really means to be labeled a “Blue Community” by the activist group Council of Canadians and how this meaningless designation does nothing to strengthen and support a community’s water and wastewater services. By capturing the experience in Los Angeles – the United States’ first […]

Latest infographic highlights increasing water company investments

America’s water infrastructure is in urgent need of an upgrade, yet a recent Bluefield Research report found that overall capital investments to support repairs and replacement of this infrastructure has fallen precipitously since 2009. The truth is simple: many municipalities lack the necessary resources to proactively invest in their water systems That is why many […]

Broken Promises, Property Tax Increases and the Myth of Local Control in Ojai, California

A new Truth from the Tap case study shows how the experience in Ojai, California should serve as a cautionary tale for other communities, exposing the ways activists can weave a dishonest narrative and lure citizens into supporting a condemnation takeover under false promises and assumptions. In 2011, activists in Ojai, California, began pushing for […]

Privatization could improve Baltimore’s troubled water system

An op-ed by NAWC president and CEO Rob Powelson was published in the Baltimore Sun titled “Privatization could improve Baltimore’s troubled water system.” In the piece, Powelson details Baltimore’s long time water system woes, including the city’s failure to meet drinking water standards in recent years, poor management and main breaks, and billing inaccuracies. He uses these […]

Private water companies better equipped to provide higher quality systems

In a letter to the editor of the Asbury Park Press, Robert Powelson, NAWC president and CEO, responded to an earlier opinion piece by Food & Water Watch that was filled with inaccurate claims about water companies. In his letter, Powelson sets the record straight by highlighting the higher quality water, significant investment, and operational […]

New Report Shows U.S. Water Systems Dangerously Behind on Capital Improvements

A new report from Bluefield Research – “Looking to 2020 and Beyond: Key Trends and Perspectives in Global Water Markets” found an increasing gap between needs and actual investments in America’s water infrastructure. As Bluefield reports, overall capital investments – the funds spent to support repairs and replacement of infrastructure like water mains, pumps, and […]

New Video Highlights Liability Faced by Municipalities that Run Water Systems

In the latest Truth from the Tap video, we explain the liability municipalities face when they operate their own water and wastewater systems and fail to deliver the quality water communities deserve. The video calls out an example from Hannibal, Missouri where, after being found out of compliance, the city was required by the state to invest […]